What You Need to Provide Optimal Website Experience for Online Consumers

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What does it take to convert website visitors into paying customers? Before, competitive products, wholesome customer service, and a professional website would be enough. But these days, it takes more to entice today’s online consumers.

A bad online experience can quickly turn off potential clients. According to statistics, 88% are unlikely to return after a disappointing experience. To maximize your eCommerce store’s conversion rate, here are a couple of investments that can help.

Content Delivery Network

A CDN allows you to quickly and easily distribute web content to your site visitors. Investing in a reliable CDN lets you enjoy many perks. It saves your brand money as you only need a single platform to oversee different regions worldwide.

Your business can reach out to a worldwide audience, bringing unlimited opportunities for your business. It also boosts website speed. This is even with the ever-increasing number of online consumers visiting your site.

Many businesses prefer Amazon CDN Services. This is because of its ability to improve a website’s cybersecurity protection. It can reduce the chance of a distributed denial-of-service from successfully bringing your site down.

But many small businesses can’t afford the CDN services offered by Amazon. The good news is, you can always count on a CloudFront CDN reseller. They can offer you with reliable CDN services at a much affordable price.

Effective Personalization

Nowadays, online consumers expect eCommerce businesses to take personalization seriously. They want to get everything they need in the shortest time possible. This stems from the fact that everything one might need, they can easily search for and purchase with just a few clicks and taps. If you can’t offer your customers with a personalized online experience, you can’t expect them to invest more in what you have to offer.

Research shows that 59% of customer’s shopping decisions are influenced by personalization. This means there is a need to make an effort to market other products relevant to your customers’ previous searches and purchases. This way, you get to increase your chances of increasing your sales with previous clients.

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eCommerce Mobile App

Before, one only needs a website to sell their products online. Now, more are developing their own mobile apps to entice more customers. And businesses have great reasons to develop an eCommerce mobile app and not just rely on their website.

For one, almost all Americans own a mobile phone. They use this to communicate with loved ones, surf the net, and buy the things they need. According to Statista, mobile eCommerce is expected to make up to 72.9% of total eCommerce sales by the year 2021. This means if you want to increase your sales, then you ought to start creating your own eCommerce mobile app if you haven’t got one already.

There are lots of things that can help you boost your online consumer’s website experience. If there are three things worth investing in for your business, these would be effective personalization, your own eCommerce mobile app, and CDN services. These three will help you improve brand loyalty, increase sales, and get ahead of your competitors.

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