Everyday Fire Risks You Don’t Notice at Home

fire extinguisher

Fires can happen anytime and anywhere, but never for a random reason. A burning building can be a result of faulty wiring-just as forest fires can be caused by lightning.

There are reasons behind fires, which means you can prevent these fires from starting in the first place.

We sometimes get used to how things are at home that we don’t realize when something is getting risky. Here are some we tend to overlook that can be potential fire hazards.

Faulty Sockets and Wiring

According to the National Fire Protection Association, 5 % or half of the residential fires are caused by electrical failure or malfunction in electrical distribution, lighting, or power transmission equipment.

Checking your electricity and wiring is part of house maintenance. Have a qualified electrician make regular checkups on your home’s electricity and wiring. Be sure to put aside time and budget for it too.

Old Appliances

We love to hold on to things, even if they might not be useful anymore. But when it comes to old appliances (even if they’re still functioning) you might want to think twice about that.

When it comes to old appliances, they were manufactured at a time when machine parts weren’t as compact, effective, and relatively safer as they are now. Old appliances tend to heat up more easily and sometimes even malfunction.

Buying a couple of new ones won’t just save you from a fire hazard, but even your electricity bill too.

Uncleaned Washing Machine

Speaking of appliances, you might want to check your washing machine.

It is recommended to clean your washing machine regularly. When washing your clothes, your washing machine collects the lint in its filter. Remember that a washing machine is a machine, so it has moving parts that can get hot as it functions. The uncleaned filter with the collected link and the heat of the machine can cause a fire.

Dry Leaves on Your Lawn

Are you feeling a little lazy to rake and out away dead leaves in your yard? You might want to reconsider.

You might think that they’re annoying, but they’re actually highly flammable. The lack of moisture in dead leaves makes ignition quicker than live leaves. All it takes is one tiny spark or a very hot day for it to catch fire.

Keep Anything Flammable Away From the Kids

Children are naturally curious, sometimes to a fault. They play with anything that piques their curiosity. To help limit accidents when you’re not around them, keep matches, lighters, and anything that may produce fire. This won’t just cause unwanted accidents but will ultimately keep them safe.

Throwing Used Matches Into the Bin


After we light up a match, we blow it to stop it from burning. But sometimes, it isn’t enough. Used matches are still warm to the touch. Once you throw it into the trash, it might not be completely extinguished and other pieces of trash can catch fire.

Extra Tips

Now that we’ve covered ways to prevent a fire, here are some extra tips worth knowing about when it comes to fire protection.

Always Keep a Fire Extinguisher

Though this might be required, it’s worth the mention. Fire extinguishers are easy and convenient to use in times of emergency. Be sure to check your fire extinguisher’s expiry date and replace it when needed.

Keep Fire-Resistant Apparel

Having fire-resistant apparel can surely be useful in times of emergencies. In case of a fire, people are advised to use a wet towel or bed sheet to protect themselves. But having apparel for emergency use makes action quicker. All you have to do is grab them, put them on, and you’re safely protected from any thermal hazard.

Fire-resistant (FR) ear has multiple uses aside from emergencies. Because of their scope of protection, they can be used for doing welding, wiring, and other construction projects done around the home.

Prevention is always better, no matter under whatever context. Who would want to lose their belongings, property, and home? It’s best to practice safety measures before anything gets to that point.

At a time when we’re called to make a snap decision, we have to be sure we’re making the right one. Our instincts kick in, sometimes not working in our favor. If ever a building or your own home catches on fire, you have to make the conscious choice to keep calm. Don’t let the panic override you, then do the rational thing: get out.

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