How Does Technology Help in a Healthcare Crisis?

technology in health

Throughout most of history, different periods tend to end when a transitional event that will foster a new age of development, innovation, and a shift towards what we consider to be a “new normal.” However, it’s still hard to determine what the future holds for most of us, especially when it comes to technological innovation.

The advent of European colonization came when Columbus founded new landmasses in the Caribbean. The French Revolution would become a turning point in European politics, which would soon increase Democracy throughout most countries in the West. World War 2 brought in different technological innovations that were seen as a necessity during times of war.

Is the Pandemic a Transitional Period?

In light of the current global healthcare crisis, most countries are experiencing significant social and economic changes. With several businesses adapting to their audience’s needs, it’s only logical that technological giants make radical changes as well.

But is the pandemic a transitional period for most of human society? Well, there’s been some significant social, technological, and political changes that would say that it is, but the future is still uncertain, and anything could happen in the span of the next few months.

Still, technology has also played a key role in fighting against the current pandemic’s primary catalyst. ; But how does technology help in these times of transition?

Technological Innovations

There’s a wide variety of technological innovations that have helped both healthcare workers and citizens do their part in society. Here’s what you need to know:

Virtual Aid

As most of us know, most COVID-19 cases are transmitted through physical contact. As such, most businesses and activities are encouraged to adapt to a more digital approach. For most individuals looking for medical attention and help, this can prove to a challenge if one is not allowed outside their home.

What’s a solution to this issue? Virtual aid through telemedicine and on-the-fly communication can help with emergencies that might happen. Several companies have designed mobile applications and software dedicated to helping individuals with health complications at home. With mobile integrated health services that are readily available for use, health emergencies and complications can be quickly tended to.

Verification of Information

With the technological advancements that we have today, it’s easier for us to find the right information when narrowing down diseases, diagnoses, and treatments. Published authoritative information can help with the proper dissemination of data, which makes it widely available for everyone to use. A public health crisis will require total transparency so that individuals will be able to take the right measures.

It’s also worth noting that technology plays a key role in fighting disinformation campaigns that happen too often in social media platforms, search engines, and video streaming sites. Disinformation is known for causing panic and anxiety among the general populace; it has to be kept in check to help bring order to society.

Vaccine and Drug Research

syringe for vaccine concept

Technology has played an integral role in research and discovery of new ways of fighting disease-causing agents. Even before the pandemic, research on drugs and vaccines has significantly extended an individual’s average lifespan. However, it’s not just the human mind that is helping with research and development, as Artificial Intelligence (AI) has played a crucial role in suggesting the right substances and components for a working vaccine. Through AI, hundreds of pages of medical information can be scoured in just a matter of minutes, which can significantly cut down on time.

Not only will this help in the manufacturing and research of drugs that can counter the current effects of the pandemic, but this can also help mitigate possibilities of future pandemics from happening—being able to learn from experiences is vital in adapting to different scenarios. Preventive measures should take priority over solutions that can remedy an issue.

Overall, technology has contributed a lot and saved countless lives during these uncertain times. Although the pandemic has brought radical changes in social norms, economic stability, and the political climate of most nations worldwide, technology has always lent a helping hand for the majority of the population.

If there is one thing that the pandemic has taught us, we have tools that are readily available that we can utilize to contain infectious diseases. There would be a stark contrast on how we would be handling a pandemic ten years ago with how we would be dealing with it these days. With innovations in technology exponentially becoming more prevalent, it’s only a matter of time until we make breakthroughs in medical technology and other fields.

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