Category: Marketing Strategies

used cars

What You Need to Know About Becoming a Used Car Dealer

Whether you are a car enthusiast, an entrepreneur, or both, it is a dream for you to sell the things that you are passionate about. Nothing beats pointing out the good qualities of things you are extremely passionate about and making money from doing so. Selling cars might sound like a costly business. But there is no

Gearing Your Small Business for Success in Uncertain Times

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, a company will count as a small business if it has less than 20 people employed. Although the definition of a small business will really depend on how many proprietors there are for a particular business. More than likely, these businesses will have independent ownership. In the United

starting my own business written in a notepad

Launching a Business During the Pandemic: Things to Consider

The current pandemic has been tough on several businesses. It’s been even harder for businesses that require customers to be physically present, such as restaurants and food carts, gyms and fitness centers, theme parks, museums, and national parks. While it makes sense to hold off on starting a business until the pandemic is over, there

start up

Six Hidden Costs of Starting a Business and How to Deal With Them

Deciding to start a small business is a decision that should not be taken lightly. What a lot of people don’t talk about when launching a business is that, like in buying a house, there are a lot of hidden costs that you can’t avoid. As the saying goes, you need money to make money.

business, economy and stock numbers

Business Dangers That Entrepreneurs Will Face In 2021

2020 is about to end and a new year is arriving. If you run a business, you probably had a hard time this year. The COVID pandemic has disrupted many industries, and the effects will be felt to next year. Here are some risks that you have to be aware of so that you can

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Personal Finance Apps: How They Change Our Money Habits

When people think of personal finance, they often think of boring nights at the table totaling receipts. The mental image alone can be depressing and this has given many individuals an aversion to handling their finances properly. But something has come along that can change that: mobile devices. Smartphones and tablets are changing the way

entreprenuership meeting

Deciding on a Business: Know Your Market First

Putting up a business is not as simple as developing a product that your friends or a handful of people you know are interested in. Interest is temporary. What you need is something that would capture a market for a long time. It’s not something you buy once, and that’s it. Entrepreneurs often conduct business

video game

Not Idle Leisure: How Your Time Spent Playing Games Lends Itself to Entrepreneurship

Over the years, much of the stigma surrounding video games has lifted. The generation of kids who grew up on computers and smartphones are now adults. And developers have paid attention by diversifying the titles released each year across multiple platforms. There’s a game for everyone. And it seems we all play video games now.


Reopening Your Business during a Pandemic

We’re heading toward the end of the year, and the coronavirus is still prevalent in many countries. It’s not absurd to assume that the virus may continue to pervade next year. While governments and healthcare professionals continue to discourage people from leaving their homes, the economy must be reopened, albeit gradually and carefully. Many businesses have

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Adding Value: Taking the Next Steps in Improving Your Small Business

Every year sees many entrepreneurs taking the step of opening a business. However, as many as 90% of these businesses fail within the first year. With determination, hard work, and some good luck, you have managed to avoid this final fate of other, more reckless entrepreneurs. This still leaves several competitors on the field. You

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